Saturday, December 19, 2009


Where has December gone?
As I watched it snow today it really got me a Christmas mood.
The snow didn't last amount to anything but
it sure looked pretty while it was coming down!
I've spend the last few days knitting...
working on a few quick presents
that I didn't decide to make until last minute.
But I work so much better under pressure.
We are waiting for our closing date,
which they are saying is January11th.
It seems to be taking forever.
Just can't wait for it to be ours and then the moving will begin.
Now that part I can do without!

I want to wish all of you a very
Merry Christmas!


Blueball Mountain Spindle and Needle Works said...

Hi Margo
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Love your blog and am so excited for you as you move to your new home. Love log cabin in Southern Indiana. We are practically neighbors.


jane augenstein said...

Wow, moving??? The picture of the porch looks great, can't wait to see more of your new place!
You are one brave woman to be moving, I hope I never move again!!!! We are doing some remodeling and that's bad enough (whine, whine) LOL
Hope you have good weather for your move....we have SNOW here and it hasn't stopped for two days! ugh Still have outside chores to do no matter what the weather though!
stay warm!
word verify: whingita...what would be me! LOL

laurie said...

time to change your holiday:)

laurie said...

ok- you missed a holiday. I'm thinking "green"

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