Sunday, February 8, 2009


This is a hooked face doll I did many years ago. She is wearing a dress that was made for one of my childhood dolls. The slip she has on was one of mine. Red velvet shoes that tie complete her look. She looks a bit strange hanging on the wall with those wings. I'm thinking of releasing her to sit in a chair. Just hope if she makes it too the chair she won't be discovered by Bee...........

I received the following in an email today. Having read it before I thought it would be good to post so that we can all think about dancing more often!

Life Is Too Short,

Break The Rules,

Forgive Quickly,Kiss Slowly,

Love Truly,Laugh Uncontrollably,

And Never Regret Anything That Made You Smile.

Life May Not Be The PartyWe Hoped For,

But While We're Here, We Should Dance...


laurie said...

does she(doll on the wall) have a name?

nice thoughts about life ~~~

Margo said...

Are you dancing? I think I'll call the doll LIzzy......never thought about naming her......maybe that is why she just hangs there with that stupid look!